On April 27, during Dairy Day at the Capitol, participants carried a strong message to legislators that MMPA supports expansion of the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit so that sellers of land to immediate family members can be eligible. The advocacy definitely made a difference, as the provision is included in the House’s omnibus tax bill expected to be on the floor next week, and Senate Tax Committee Chair Carla Nelson (R – Rochester) also signaled support yesterday for including the measure in the Senate’s pending second omnibus tax bill that could be released next week.

Finally, Dairy Day participants also learned from Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen that a deal is very close on the drought relief package currently in conference committee between the House and Senate. Once finalized, the package would provide up to $5,000 grants to livestock and specialty crop farmers who faced increased costs due to the historic 2021 drought.
Issues at a glance:
Help Beginning Farmers
- Preserve Livestock Investment Grants
- Include families in Beginning Farmer Tax Credits
- Complete 2021 drought relief package
Climate Change and Soil Health
- Dairy Farmers are a natural fit to help store carbon with alfalfa and manure
- Ag Best Management Practices Grants will help farmers adopt soil health practices
- Adoption measures that are voluntary allow specific areas to cater to their local needs
Ongoing infrastructure investment – Healthcare, broadband internet and roads and bridges